October 2024

Tribe Soccer Community,

I wanted to share an update on the Tribe Soccer building to follow up on our previous letter about the unsustainable lease rates needed to continue operations.

Right now, we haven’t found a definite solution to keep the building open and running the way it is. Without a guarantee that we’ll be able to use the facility past November 1, we just can’t safely plan or offer our Winter League 1, which usually runs from November through December. So, as things stand, we’ll likely have to pause operations starting November 1.

We’re exploring an idea to partner with another fitness organization that’s shown interest in sharing the space with us. This could help make it more affordable for both of us, but with the current building lease rates, I have to be honest – it’s still a long shot.

If this doesn’t work out, we’re also working with a large commercial real estate firm here in NW Arkansas to look for other potential spaces. This process will take some time, which means we probably won’t be able to offer Winter League this year. But, we’ll keep you all updated on any news as soon as we have it.  Our goal is to provide a space for our soccer community, even if it looks a little different than what we’re used to.

In the meantime, we’re still moving forward with our fall leagues for both youth and adult players. And we’ll keep running our pickup games every Sunday, Monday (Over 40 only), Wednesday, and Friday. And field rentals are still available for any teams or groups to use.

I am so grateful for all your support. We truly wouldn’t be here without this amazing community. If you’ve got any ideas, suggestions, or just want to chat, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Thank you for being part of Tribe Soccer!


Matt Holdaway


August 2024

Dear TRIBE Soccer Community,

I am reaching out to you today with an important update regarding the future of TRIBE Soccer and a heartfelt request for your support.

As many of you know, TRIBE Soccer has been a cornerstone of youth and adult soccer development in NW Arkansas since 2020. Our facility has been a place where thousands of youth and hundreds of adult players have honed their skills, experienced the joy of soccer, and built lasting friendships. It is with deep gratitude that I reflect on the incredible support from our members, families, referees, coaches, and staff who have made TRIBE Soccer what it is today.

The Situation

Due to current economic conditions, including rising interest rates and increased commercial property taxes, our developer is being forced to sell the TRIBE Soccer building. We love seeing the growth of NW Arkansas, but the downside is that the prime location of our building is seeing huge increases in property taxes. Additionally, the rising interest rates post-COVID have directly impacted the monthly payments for the mortgage on our development. This is a dynamic happening across the country, and we’re seeing it firsthand in NWA. The exact timeline for the potential sale is unknown, but the situation is urgent. This sale could result in the closure of our facility, which would force us to shut down our leagues and community soccer programs.

Community Impact

The sale of the TRIBE Soccer building will have a huge impact on NW Arkansas families. There is already a significant shortage of fields for soccer and other team sports in our region. This shortage has been echoed in conversations with both Bentonville and Rogers Parks and Recreation leadership and other local sports leaders. Losing the TRIBE Soccer facility would exacerbate this issue, making it even more challenging to provide much-needed athletic space and programs for our community.

Our Commitment

Despite this uncertainty, we fully anticipate operating our fall and winter seasons before any potential sale is finalized. We are committed to continuing all our programs, leagues, and field rentals as normal. We want to assure you that our leadership remains steady and dedicated to providing well-organized and high-quality soccer experiences for all our members. We will keep you updated as the situation unfolds and share any new developments as soon as we can.

Call to Action

We believe that with the collective strength and creativity of our community, we can find a solution to keep TRIBE Soccer alive. We are seeking support from individuals with knowledge or connections in public-private development projects, grant writing, real estate, or charitable foundations that want to support youth and adult sports in NW Arkansas. Your expertise and connections could be crucial in helping us navigate this challenge.

How You Can Help

1. Share Your Expertise: If you have experience or connections in any of the areas mentioned above, please reach out to us. Your insights could make a significant difference.

2. Spread the Word: Share our story with your network. The more people who know about our situation, the greater the chance we have of finding the support we need.

3. Stay Engaged: Continue to participate in our programs and encourage others to join. Your involvement keeps our community strong.

Thank You

To everyone who has been part of the TRIBE Soccer journey since 2020, thank you! Your support has helped us create a unique environment where players of all ages can develop their skills faster than ever before due to our innovative design and small-sided fields. We are confident that our community can come together once again to find a creative solution and keep the ball rolling.

Thank you for your time and continued support. Together, we can ensure that TRIBE Soccer remains a key part of NW Arkansas.


Matt Holdaway

TRIBE Soccer
